The governance of Angers TourismLab.

The governance of Angers TourismLab.
- It is organized between the founding members in terms of strategic governance and operational governance as follows:
- Its implementation is particularly based on the recruitment of a director and the constitution of a supporting-team.
- University of Angers is appointed as the administrative institution for supervising the funding directly attributed to Angers TourismLab. by the local sponsor collectivities.
- It was ensured by a Committee of Pilotage, a Council of Scientific Orientation, a Committee of Operation and the Sectoral Committees.
The Committee of Pilotage (COPIL)
It is composed of a representative of each founding partner who signed the agreement.
It can appoint a President (and a Vice-President) on its own in charge of steering the COPIL and bringing out the collective ambition of Angers TourismLab. for the professionals in tourism and media.
It validates the initial strategic roadmap and has the right to redirect the strategy of Angers TourismLab. in the midterm based on the proposal from the Council of Scientific Orientation and the Committee of Operation. It determines the priorities and the allocation of appropriate ways. It is responsible for ensuring a sound financial management of allocated funding. It examines the annual progress review, which will be submitted by the director of Angers TourismLab.
It should meet at least once each year by the invitation of the President (or director) of Angers TourismLab. Each meeting should give rise to a review, which will be sent to the partners.
It can accept new partners based on the suggestion of the Committee of Operation.
The Council of Scientific Orientation (COS)
It is composed of at least 4 external experts appointed by the Committee of Pilotage.
It takes action on the strategies in training, research, valuation, economic and international development. It will identify high potential subjects in the future, which will be formalized in a strategic roadmap and submitted to the Committee of Pilotage.
It releases the advices about the objectives and selection patterns of the internal calls of projects, which will be later applied to a requirement specification, in Angers TourismLab.
It shall meet at least at the beginning of the project, at the midterm and at the end of a five-year period. It drafts a report and formulates the suggestions in the Committee of Pilotage. The members of the Committee of Operation (COMOP) are invited to the meetings, particularly in order to present the progress of academic aspect, as well as the actions planned and accomplished in each related field.
It met on 1st July, 2015 with the presence of 4 international experts.
The operational governance of Angers TourismLab. is assigned to a Committee of Operation which relies on 3 Sectoral Committees and a supporting-team.
The Committee of Operation (COMOP)
It is composed of the director, 3 duos (for each section of R-F-I) and a representative of University of Angers, the administrative institution, who will be appointed by its President. The duos of R-F-I are appointed by the Committee of Pilotage on a proposal from funding partners.
The COMOP implements the decisions made by the Committee of Pilotage. It is a mission about coordinating all the tasks of Angers TourismLab., which ensures the synergy among the sections R-F-I and the coherence between the actions taken and the strategic roadmap.
This committee is responsible for establishing the requirements specialization of the internal calls of projects in Angers TourismLab. and its execution.
- It reports the progress of tasks to the Committee of Pilotage.
- It advices the Committee of Pilotage to accept new associated partners.
- It is assisted by the supporting-team of Angers TourismLab. which ensures the operational support during the implementation of actions, especially in terms of valuation, business development, engineering and communication.
The Sectoral Committees
They are composed of founding partners and associated to Angers TourismLab. They put forward the action plans to the Committees of Operation and ensure the tracking. They are run by a duo, one of which comes from outside the administrative institution.
The F – Formation (Training) Committee is composed of representatives appointed by the institutions among the directors of initial and continued training, training track (engineering, Master, Licence), members of doctorate school, who are in charge of educational and international missions, a representative of the administrative institution, and the director of Angers TourismLab. It can invite special guests according to the agenda.
The R - Research Committee is composed of a representative of research partners (ESSCA, CNRS, ESO, GRANEM, University of Maine, and University of Angers), a representative of research federation, regional and national enterprises, a representative of the administrative institution, and the director of Angers TourismLab.
The I – Innovation Committee is composed of representatives of associated, institutional, economic partners and signatory enterprises of Angers TourismLab., a representative of the administrative institution, and the director of Angers TourismLab.
An international working group is composed of representatives of founding members and led by Phillipe Violier, the director of ESTHUA.